Tuesday 21 September 2010

rubbish air

It's probable this will be the last time I fly with ryanair.
I know flights are annoying and boring for the whole process to board on plane, but if you put a 6 hours delay on your flight without any possibilty to have a refund for the distress, you can realize isn't worth anymore to use this airline.

If few words, my flight departure was 10 a.m, the plane wasn't cometh for no reason given, so I had to wait the next plane and the flight was delayed to take off at 4 p.m.
What the airport crew don't told me was that he expected landing was at 3.30 p.m and in 30 minutes is impossible to land, park, take people and luggage out of the airplane, refill the tank, board the new passengers and luggage and finally take off.

The take off was at 5 p.m, seven hours after the scheduled take off.
The flight was ok, but after landing I see the last offense, on a parked ryanair plane was marked "bye bye latehansa".
I don't know if latehansa is really late, but I'm sure that they not leave the passengers alone in the airport hall without information and refunds for a delay absolutely intolerable, even for a low cost company.

During the slow hours before take off I wished a tardis.
She's very stubborn machine and if you aren't careful she can drop you away in the time 30k years late of your landing time, but at least she's comfy as a big house.

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